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Author Topic: Skyrim  (Read 23557 times)
Morden Tral

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« on: November 14, 2011, 04:20:52 pm »

Vampirism sucks balls, don't get it.

On the other hand being a werewolf is overpowered as fuck and cures

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« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2011, 04:58:09 pm »

Being a nightingale who protects the shadow world place is bad ass..

and you can you burn people with dark fire.

Morden Tral

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« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2011, 05:01:31 pm »

Did you join the dark brotherhood?

Morden Tral

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« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2011, 05:52:10 pm »

Well i WAS going to focus on enchanting but some ass hole on a stream showed off his 128 damage per hit sword from smithing........guess I'm training that up now.

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« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2011, 07:21:16 pm »

Werewolf isn't OP. You lose your armor rating when in that form and it's useless against non NPCs in groups since you don't regen your health and can't use potions/magic. Its best traits are massive movespeed and ignoring encumbrance.

The damage of that sword was after several multipliers with smithing being the most expensive of them. Perk bonus up to x2, smithing bonus for quality, and likely enchanting bonus from multiple armor pieces buffing the respective stat. Maybe a blessing too, don't know what all of them do. And also the orc power which gets x2 damage output. If all he had was 100 smithing, then he's not even close to how much damage he could do with a weapon.

I prefer being unkillable anyway. 100% immune to magic already and in excess of 400 armor rating and almost 450hp. Barely a third of the way to level cap. Atronach stone is OP if anything is. I'm immune/absorb dragon breath.

I'm really getting annoyed by all the quest items in my inventory that have no quest and have weight. I've got the elder scroll, completed the main quest. Don't know how to get rid of the damn thing and its 20 weight(eventually I'll see if someone at the mage's guild wants it). I have 4 Amulet of Talos which just drops randomly off NPC mobs, can't remove the stack so they just multiply. Those gems of berynthia(w/e) can't be removed and there's supposed to be 25 of them. That journal for collecting crimson nirnroot. Dravin's Bow, which I picked up because it was named, but didn't realize it was a quest item, for a quest that I've never gotten. So I'm hauling a bunch of bullshit that has no purpose, and wiki's aren't updated enough for me to just look them up and complete their quests.

In retrospect, for this magekiller build, I should have trained up axes instead of maces. It's just so hard to decide against 75% ignore armor. That dragon priest just before svongarde was hilarious. I was over-encumbered and used the sprint shout to fuck him up. He never stopped casting sparks, and I never took damage. His helmet is sick as fuck though. Just the model anyway. I don't use magic much other than candlelight and stoneflesh. Its armor rating has been the best so far otherwise.

Everyone, are you ready for doom? Because I blacken the sun and bloody the moon.
Morden Tral

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« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2011, 07:42:23 pm »

Have you tried a legendary weapon?

That 128 damage was listed on the item, not on the character. He also had a full suit of dragon bone armor from the 100 smithing. I mean unless the damage bonus is added to the base weapon display without showing it.

You don't have to transform at all if you don't want to. You can swap to his wolf form to explore too since horses are so shitty. Also you can regen by eating corpses, that also adds time to the transformation. I guess you can become the leader of the werewolves and they will all follow you around as well.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 10:15:21 pm by Morden Tral » Logged

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« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2011, 03:13:14 am »

Yea, I joined the companions and didn't regret werewolf.

-No need for horse (large stamina =long run yeeeah)
-Rape humans fairly easily
-Pretty funny to maul npcs
-Transform when I want too
-Immune from diseases

Who needs sleep bonuses and you can pause and put back on all your armor.

I did hear that you will force turn werewolf once a full moon every month; hasn't happen to me.

What are you prophet some kind of giant Orc bastard?


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« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2011, 03:39:45 am »

I like Runescape.
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« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2011, 04:21:45 am »

Breton. They have the innate 25% resistance to magic and Dragonskin. I think they've got the strongest innates really. I'll end up making an Alpha Orc though eventually to see just how much damage I can get out of a sneak attack. Daggers do x15 damage from sneak attacks, then Orcs have the racial that does double damage. As a necromancer, you can skill to have one of your undead minions become permanent evidently. Haven't tried that myself.

I haven't put any stats into stam or magicka. So now I'm around 600hp and 500ish armor rating with about 300 magicka from gear. I've stopped using my mace almost altogether and use a shield and some novice spell. Shield bash does great damage and disarms. NPC mages just refill my magicka so I hold down sparks until they're dry. Then if they're still alive afterward, shield bash and shout them to death.

Only time I ever use wolf form is after a dungeon and I'm carrying 200lbs over capacity. Other than that, it'd get me killed faster than me standing around without gear as a person. I hit harder with my mace too. Eating people requires they already be dead, and when you do it successfully, it's all of 7% heal. I'd like to know what the totems of hircine did for me. Quest line kinda just went "whelp, you got them... the end". You can pray to them, but no one explains what they do for you. So yea, use wolf form from the dungeon exit to the nearest stable, buy a horse/ride carriage back to home.

Have you tried a legendary weapon?

That 128 damage was listed on the item, not on the character. He also had a full suit of dragon bone armor from the 100 smithing. I mean unless the damage bonus is added to the base weapon display without showing it.

The 128 was  the adjusted damage. There's no legendary weapon that has 128 base damage. The max base damage for a weapon in the game is only 36(which isn't an artifact). 128 isn't that impressive when you consider just how silly the numbers are capable of becoming.

Everyone, are you ready for doom? Because I blacken the sun and bloody the moon.

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« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2011, 05:39:11 am »

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So as I was stumbling around for games like D2 and DS2 I find this game.  It looks amazing.  I watch youtube.  I cream my pants.  Now I'm here....typing this to you all.  I love you and your community.  Teach me the ways of the Jedi!!!!!

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« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2011, 11:40:36 am »

i hope that fatass had a heart attack and wasnt able to play skyrim. 
Morden Tral

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« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2011, 01:25:43 pm »

I joined the companions but I might just not finish the wolf quest and stay as a vampire, I get to feed on the companions in public without being attacked at will since i'm one of them and my vampire raise minion ability doesn't conflict with my raise spells.

I can take not regening mana and health in the sun, the sneak bonus is nice and at stage 4 with the invisibility and maxed sneak I can one shot just about anything (15x damage + critical hit = rape). I'm pretty close to having permanent minions as well.

The borderless window and support for large addresses and the enhanced night sky mods are a must.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 02:09:55 pm by Morden Tral » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2011, 02:43:11 pm »


I wish I had that kind of enthusiasm about anything. I especially liked the part where she thought it was going to be a movie.

Everyone, are you ready for doom? Because I blacken the sun and bloody the moon.
Morden Tral

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« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2011, 04:14:50 pm »

Oh god, can't unsee now


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« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2011, 12:21:33 am »

Beat this thing the other day.

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