This guide is for the new and old(those returning to this amazing game). Below I will outline in steps on how to play
online.Did you install NOX from an Original Nox Cd, aka: Hard copy?If "YES" read below. If "NO" skip to
download version instructions.1.) Install Quest. This will update your NOX client to v1.2b. This will allow you to SEE games.
-> If Installed correctly when you start nox this is what you should see.
LOGIN SECTION BELOW the Download Version Instructions.
DOWNLOAD VERSION INSTRUCTIONS1.) Download Nox here. ->DIRECT LINK-> or Install, and run Nox1.2bNoCdL.exe so you can play without cd. QUEST IS PRE-INSTALLED IN DOWNLOAD VERSION.
LOGIN SECTION1.) Once quest is installed continue to multiplayer login.
2.) If you see this picture, keep trying new usernames and passwords.
3.) THIS IS CORRECT: Notice the Nox player count. Which can also be checked here: Congrats, you should now see games when you click "green games".
If you still do not then you fail. Repeat steps until you do it right.
Did I leave anything out?
Posted on: August 08, 2010, 07:43:14 PM
Should this be moved to introduction, or stay here, also request sticky if this is helpful/ or unless someone makes better.