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Author Topic: Infradoosh  (Read 14852 times)

E-Cock: -1
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« on: January 07, 2008, 11:50:06 pm »

I downloaded the game, and used everything provided (including directions), and it works absolutely perfectly.

step one should be: don't be a nub.

Hey moron -- did you ignore the part where I wrote I had absolutely no problem with Nox using the original CD, or the Nox CD image I downloaded from a torrent site? The problem with this Nox compilation isn't that my video drivers don't support MMX, or DirectX 6 in full screen. rofl. The problem is it's a piece of shit compilation. Why else would someone have to execute THIS PARTICULAR version of Nox in window mode and in 256 colors to get it to run? Use your brain and stop being a dumbfuck fanboy.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 11:57:05 pm by Inframan » Logged
Morden Tral

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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 05:22:35 am »

Talk about someone that doesn't know shit, everyone else uses the download without a damn problem without running in windowed mode or 16 bit colors. Heaven help us if I threw the most likely solution to your retarded ass (probably viri scanner) problem out to you in good faith.

A compilation that uses a random cd key with a no cd crack and all quest and patches combined into a single easy to install package is NOT a piece of shit. No fucking install is bulletproof or do you live in a perfect world?

In short go jump in a puddle and die drowning to death retard.



E-Cock: -1
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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 12:31:34 pm »

Talk about someone that doesn't know shit, everyone else uses the download without a damn problem without running in windowed mode or 16 bit colors.

This is just bullshit. According to your forum archives there have been plenty of people who have had problems with your ShitInstall.

Heaven help us if I threw the most likely solution to your retarded ass (probably viri scanner) problem out to you in good faith.

"Most likely" ROFL

"Nvidia no longers seems to support full screen directx <6 or MMX or something" LMAO

You do not know what the fuck you're talking about. Do you even know what MMX is?

"That is again probably those new Nvidia drivers" LOL

Yeah... that must be it. That's why I had no trouble installing and running Nox from a CD image I got from a torrent site and from my original CD.

Moving on...

1. I like how you presumed that I had a video card made by Nvidia.
2. Nox doesn't even use 3D acceleration.
3. All modern-day CPUs are compatible with MMX. Have you heard of 3dNow!, SSE, SSE2, et cetera? They all originated from the original instructions: MMX.

I could go on and on about how computer illiterate you are, but I'll stop here.

A compilation that uses a random cd key with a no cd crack and all quest and patches combined into a single easy to install package is NOT a piece of shit.

It's too bad that it only works 50% of the time, and that half of that 50% needs to set the application to run in windowed mode with 256 colors to get it to work.

In short go jump in a puddle and die drowning to death retard.

Go eat another Krispy Kreme fatboy.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 12:35:03 pm by Inframan » Logged
Morden Tral

E-Cock: 128
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« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 03:08:29 pm »

Yes because the Nvidia drivers ever since the last update HAVE been screwing with peoples install, players with a working copy and who ran it every day suddenly got errors after their driver update. That equates to proof of concept and my being correct, also saying you probably have nvidia drivers does not mean I forced it as the only option.

Besides the nvidia error (that problem is with ALL nox installs not just the download) you have been the first guy to actully have an issue with the fault...your system setup...whatever the fuck it was it is not a problem anyone else has had.

Also for your information Directx MMX was a GLIB format that was only used on one commercial game (NoX) and was depreciated very quickly. I never said NoX uses 3d accel, how the fuck would a 2d sprite game use that besides on collision and vectoring? Also when referencing pre 2000+ games and graphics format MMX is NOT intels command listing but rather a subset of the directx technology.

Way to look like an idiot while trying to call out your betters boy. Next time you try to act like you know shit try looking up the technology of the era you are referencing, NoX is allmost a fucking decade old now.

It's not like I haven't, you know..worked on the damn game for 7 or 8 years now...coded half of the tools for it and memorized most of it's file formats and inner workings. Wow, what the fuck do I know right?

I'm splitting this off for being off topic and locking your ass into a permanent ban, we don't need you around.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 03:12:03 pm by Morden Tral » Logged

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