*Update 1- 3/26/06: Added another link to download nox.
*Update 2- 5/30/06: The fix for the invisible server and game list phenomenon.
*Update 3- 2/6/07: Added a part on Registering Logins, and cleaned up RTP Patch help.
*Update 4- 5/2/07: Cleaned up the Nox Download section, fixed generic mistakes, and added and removed old/new links, Took out the XWIS support since it is no longer needed.
*Update 5- 6/28/07 : Finally added Hosting With Routers Guide
*Update 7- 6/21/11: Westwood online installer link added and WOLAPI.dll link replaced since it died. Also linked in my semi- new how to log-in guide complete with pictures. Blame it on the Morden: but I had to remove a lot of old links to great topics since they were archived and deleted.
HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE[ * ] Indicates a question or problem.
[ A ] Indicates problem groups.
Hyperlinks are the original topic, so you can refer back to them.
!IMPORTANT! MOST of your problems probably deal with quest. (Unable to see games) Save yourself some trouble and
http:// ISSUES*Problems Installing quest after update. Old File not found. However a file of the same name was found. No update done since filename and content do not match! - Restart Computer
- Re-install Nox
- Download 2 patches, go offline, Install the englishnonquest patch, go online again and download last patch, go offline, Install quest, then play
NOX DOWNLOAD and CRACKS* I lost my Nox Cd can I still play?! - YES, you can now download nox, get a serial, and play your favorite pc game of all time with out buying it!
EASIEST NOX DOWNLOAD- NOX ON A CD TO DISTRIBUTE-* I lost my Serial Number are there any cracks?! - YES, Thanks to the lovely zoaedk you can get some morning breakfast serials!
Don't have a unique Serial!? - Well, get another one!
- Have patience and give it time, If you wait awhile for some reason time will fix it. (sometimes)
[]* Is there a Nox No CD PATCH? -Yup you can now play without your CD!
-You should never patch nox using this though.
:// LINK DEAD USE NOX HUB BELOW ISO ISSUES* Problems with the NOX ISO ICD ISSUES * NOX.ICD has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience! - INSTALL FUCKING QUEST! DO IT !!!
http:// INSTALLATION ISSUES* Installation and Issues dealing with Windows XPHOW TO INSTALL NOX PROPERLY ON THE XP1.) Install Nox (yea) [With full or any install options if you want]
2.) Do NOT start Nox yet
3.) Download and install the Quest patch
4.)Set the compatibility mode of GAME.EXE to win 98/ME
Now from this point you can try 2 things:
1.) Run nox.exe and connect to WOL
2.) Let it auto patch and it will restart your Nox
If this worked you can now play Nox
2nd thing you can try:
1.) Run "NOX.EXE GrabPatches" as a command line parameter (or go to your start menu / westwood / nox / Nox Auto Update)
If that works and finishes then start Nox.exe and it should all work
*Windows Xp Crash Problems. - Install quest... then set compat mode to Win98 or Me or w/e (for game.exe and/or nox.exe), then start Nox (first time you do it without the NoCD loader) and it shouldn't crash.
NOX PATCH/UPDATE ISSUES* Nox starts downloading same patches everytime I log in Westwood online and then exits Nox? I don't know what's wrong! - Make sure you are running nox.exe and not game.exe
- Try using the Nox auto update from start menu / Programs / Westwood / Nox
* I go to westwood online and I try to login and it gets stuck on the downloading patch thing will either download all the way, stay at 0%, or stop at 50% but it wont do anything after! - Use compatibility mode, If you dont xp wont be able to do some functions in nox. This results in errors.
You could also try it with nox.exe instead of game.exe.
- Do not attempt to do anypatching running off the NO CD PATCH, IT JUST WON'T WORK. If all else fails refer to applying the patches without connecting to WOL
* Can I re-install nox and apply patches without connecting to WOL? [USE THIS SOLUTION IF ALL ELSE FAILS] -Yes, Download and put into Westwood/Internet/Patches
and into Westwood/Internet/Patches
(create the "Patches" directories if they do not already exist) Now run Nox.exe and it should automatically patch itself with these rtp files you just placed in the directories (The second .rtp file updates the WOL client software, but nox.exe handles that too.)
If you installed it manually you might need to update some registry keys. If you could, export your Nox registry keys minus the serial one. Should be HKLM/Software/Westwood/Nox.* I'm still having trouble getting/ applying the Rtp Patches!-Download the Rtp_Patcher ( and extract it into your Westwood Patches folder.
-Run the exe. Select Apply patches and select the rtp patch files you want to apply. Select the same directory to patch them into as above. The Westwood Patches folder.
WOL/LOGIN/CRASH ISSUES/INVISIBLE SERVER LISTS* How Do I register new accounts, it never lets me? - Since Xwis doesn't require you to register accounts you don't need too. For your login name enter whateve you wish: such as, Jack. Now for the password you can USE ANYTHING, and then login!

- Make sure you are not using some one elses account name that is already on though, this may cause you to see no games online.
- Make sure your passwords match
- READ THIS GUIDE ON HOW TO PLAY NOX ONLINE( PICTURES TO SHOW HOW EASY IT IS)* STILL CANT CONNECT TO WESTWOOD AND MY GAME CRASHES TO MY DESKTOP WHEN I DO! - You may have some corrupt files, like wolapi file. You can try to re-download it, uninstall the corrupt one, then replace it in your Westwood internet directory.
WOLAPI FILE and INSTALLER> WOLAPI.DLL DIRECT LINK:;topic=7902.0;attach=3883* Nox crashes everytime I join a game! - You may have some corrupt player files, experiment with them then delete them.
1.) Go to your Nox directory the default is C:\Westwood\Nox\Save
* Game.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. - Change the Comaptability Mode.
Go through the start menu, Find Nox
Right click the icon, go to properties.
Change the Compatibility to Windows 98/Me.
* Can't See the List of games that are available! Or no one is playing. - INSTALL QUEST!
http:// - Make sure you are not using another players current login.
- Double check your password matches your username
- There may be no games, check and see who is playing and the list of servers -> is what you might see...
: 375 u :- Welcome to XCC Online!
: 372 u :-
: 372 u :- 1009 players (WC: 2, RA2: 1006,
Nox: 1) are online.
-If you are connecting through the program XWIS, DON'T!!! Uninstall it and login the old normal way.
* I can't delete Westwood logins! - You will have to delete them through your registery; which is located here, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wchat
Once your there you will see keys called Nick# (where # is a number) Simply delete the desired login number. ISSUESHOSTING WITH ROUTERS/FIREWALLS3.5.8.
UDP port
Nox retail servers use UDP port 18590. Official Nox servers use ports 18590 - 18599. For those of you behind proxies/firewalls or using NAT, Consult your network administrator or your documentation for details on configuring your system to connect to Nox. (Allow all traffic to all destinations. Necessary for peer-to-peer connections and game play)
Hosting with router- 2 options: Port Foward or Enable DMZ
1.Gather information (Router Brand/Model, USERNAME, PASSWORD, DEFAULT GATEWAY)
2. To find default gateway- Start your command prompt- start>run>command or cmd then type "ipconfig"
Should see Default Gateway Ip: NUMBERS- Write down the numbers.
2.) Paste the default gateway Ip in your browser and hit enter. GO TO STEP 6 IF YOU KNOW YOUR ROUTER USERNAME AND PASSWORD.
3. Find username and passwords- Defaults are Username: Admin ----- Password: Password or Username: Blank Password: Admin
4.) Reset router IF YOU DONT HAVE ACCESS TO ROUTER OPTIONS- reset router by button or unplugging shit.
5. Go to find your Brand/Model and then there should be a list of application and games, choose nox. - Follow the instructions and enter in nox's udp port 18590
Basically in your router options look for WAN SET UP or something similar. Check the Enable DMZ option and enter in your default gateway ip in the blank. This will make your computer really vurnarable to outside attacks..beware.
^^Credits to everyone on this forum^^ Maybe this will cut back on the ridiculous amount of help topics.